9. Vegetable soup to save leftover sourdough
1, Fry a small head of onion, then maybe add some garlic or tomato (also cut into sprats) a little red pepper, then quickly add water (you can reduce the water, so the onion cooks longer, which I think is good, but not necessary)
2, After adding more water, add chopped vegetables, salt, maybe 1 bouillon cube
3, If you have some leftover sourdough, add an egg, a little salt and enough flour to make it 🙂 the consistency of noodles. Then, from a flat plate, – using a knife or spoon, throw in the soup lots of small pieces of noodles
The result is the same without sausage, feel free to skip it!

8. Making mini horn cakes (katt)
7. Making sourdough bread (katt)
and tasting:

←left: butter, smoked salmon, lime, mint
on the right, same without salmon →
both yummy

6. Fried cheese, with an occasional partner

1, You need any fruit and Camembert or smoked cheese
2, You put the cheese on a pan, heat it up a bit, it will even get some color, and you can already bite the fruit on the side
5. Stuffed potatoes

In stock: potatoes, beetroot pickles, aluminium foil
Optional: coriander
to take: cheese, sour cream
1, the potatoes are baked in the oven in foil
2, cut into crosses, cut out the middle
3, save half of the middle for tomorrow’s spinach fries, or for the stangli below 🙂 ok, you can skip this one. Mix the other half with whatever you like and put it back in the cavity nicely, – to taste, to gusto, – in this case it was whatever grated cheese, sour cream, salt and pepper
4, Fry until the flesh is golden brown, then add whatever else you like, in this case it was salted sour cream, coriander and beetroot
4. cheese stangli
1, These must be kneaded together: 10-10 dekas of these: boiled, then cold crushed potatoes, or cottage cheese; flour; grated cheese; margarine and 1/2 dkg of flour, or a pinch of baking powder, a pinch of salt, and half an egg beaten with a fork.
2, Roll out to a thickness of half a centimeter, brush with the other half of the egg, sprinkle the top with caraway seeds or coarse salt, then cut into pieces approx. 1×5 cm
In the picture, the recipe is for 2 baking sheets, my measurement is for 1 baking sheet. Bake at 180o until it has a nice color. -incorruptible-
3. Dahl alternative
In stock: red lentils, tomato juice, or something similar to tomato paste in a box, turmeric, bay leaf, small box of coconut milk
1, all three ingredients are optional (they are also delicious without them) fry chopped garlic, ginger and small onion
2, mix together the tomato paste, the optional fried things and a few handfuls of red lentils, add the spices, – salt, turmeric, bay leaf, you need half a soup cube, cinnamon, smoked paprika can be used. Bring to a boil, simmer over low heat
3, you can add canned chickpeas, it’s more exciting because there will be bigger pieces in it (if other types of mung beans, lentils, or peas are used, they must be cooked beforehand and the juice should not be added when mixing)
4, the coconut milk added at the end will make it creamier
2/1 Munch pasta

In stock: pasta, garlic, feta or other types of cheese, favorite pasta spices (e.g. basil, thyme)
1, take a bag of vegetables
If you have one in your country – you might be surprised by a food rescue 🙂
2, Cut the vegetables, fry them together, + salt, pepper, or whatever you like, mix with cooked pasta
You can put the cheese on it
2/2 Munch cookies

Take puff pastry from the refrigerator of a store, cut it into larger units, put the rolled-up fruit in the middle of the shapes. With the help of your wet finger as glue, you can transform the squares shown in the picture into a spatial shape. If you brush the top with beaten egg, it will also have a nice color. Oven at 180 degrees, about 15-20 minutes.
1. Cabbage salad
In stock: a small head of white cabbage, a small head of red cabbage, red onion, – all of these will last for months, mayonnaise, mustard, honey, some kind of fine vinegar, oil and lemon juice
Optional: something sweet, e.g. apples, blueberries, raisins, beets, corn – who likes what
1, buy a yogurt at the store, this is probably not to be missed, although there may be an alternative
2, cut a quarter of the cabbage into thin strips, 1/4 of an onion, 1/2 of an apple, if you want, grate carrots, add whatever else you want for sweetness
3, mix in: 10 dkg of mayonnaise, 1/2 box of small yogurt, a dollop of oil, juice of about half a lemon, half tbsp. mustard and honey, 1 tbsp vinegar, salt, pepper
I only took the measurements from the video, for the sake of being serious, – rather taste, pack
If something, anything, is left out, it’s no problem, it just tastes a little different.
Here is the original recipe video: https://fb.watch/uhm9eXpX7-/ this is twice as much, I think it’s a lot at once 🙂