Dare to be yourself

I think one of the most important things in terms of health is to get to know yourself, including the parts of you that may not have “resurrected” until now 🙂
Get to know yourself!
– it is the most basic thing you can do for yourself –
“A horse has four legs, but it can trip, so even the best rider can have an accident when jumping. I almost fell over myself once. I was trying to jump over a bog. It didn’t seem very wide at first. Unfortunately, it was actually much wider, so I reversed my horse in mid-air around the middle of the swamp, and that’s how I got back to where I started.

The second time I jumped with more momentum, but unfortunately, I didn’t make the jump either, and near the far bank I was neck deep in the swamp. Surely, that would have been my last lesson, had I not had a sudden idea to rely on the strength of my arms. Quickly and with great strength I seized my stirrup, and at the same time, clasping my horse between my knees, with inexorable firmness, I pulled myself out of the bottomless mud with a fine steed. I don’t deny it was a hot moment, but I was lucky to escape.”