Kinga Sárdi

I graduated as a teacher at the Zsámbék Catholic Teacher Training College
I recently completed the CCSTHungary craniosacral therapist training. This started me on a path where my sensitivity to people increased greatly, so today the toolkit I received here is also part of my repertoire.
During my years as a teacher, I managed to gather many positive experiences. Anxious, physical – or mildly mentally disabled, autistic, attention-deficient children learned to read and write alongside me, and I am still grateful to them for this experience.
I look forward to new delinquents, with whom we can continue to build each other’s world. Because, according to my conviction, teaching, raising children, and healing are all two-way processes. Both as a parent and as a teacher.
I feel that the school system does not give the children or the teachers enough space and time to develop – therefore, although I consider the strength of the community to be one of the greatest values ​​of the school, other, alternative solutions are much closer to me these days